Co-working space, Features and Amenities



Our retreat will provide a variety of amenities that cater to both visiting guests and global nomads. In addition to the communal cooking and dining areas that encourage connection and collaboration, we will provide a co-working space specifically tailored to meet the needs of digital nomads and entrepreneurs. This inspiring workspace is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, allowing individuals to work and collaborate in a productive environment.

For relaxation and rejuvenation, we have planned

  • swimming pools

  • cold plunge

  • sauna

  • meditation areas

  • yoga spaces and

  • expansive natural landscapes for short walks or extended exploration.

So, whether you prefer to lounge by the pool, embark on an adventurous hike, or do some Wim Hof breathwork before you jump in the cold plunge, our retreat provides ample opportunities to unwind and connect with nature.